Sunday, February 16, 2020

Free Tuition

It’s not cheap going to school; it can be downright expensive. Especially if there is rent, and bills to pay and the cost of putting food on the table. Free tuition would eliminate the stress caused by going to getting a post-secondary education. The burden of tuition on students is crippling, says Anissa Calma-Brown in her special report in the Financial Post. “The average tuition cost for a Canadian university — before the cost of books, travel and supplies — is $6,500 per year. Higher-cost programs can range anywhere from $8,000-$22,000 per year.”
So why put yourself through that financial burden? Why not just go and get a job? Well, it’s not that easy and those jobs? In my opinion, offer no stability and pay only minimum wage. However, if one wants to get ahead, post-secondary education is essential to acquiring a better salary. But how do you pay for it? If you are lucky, you may get money as a gift from your parents. You may use the savings you have put away for that rainy day. The other way is to take out a student loan. It is that loan debt, that according to an article by Robert T. Muller, Ph.D. in Psychology Today, says is “why students are struggling to cope with rising tuition costs and high debt loads.”
For some, like those who are in low paying jobs, post-secondary education is reserved only for the rich. The only resource for low-income earners is to apply for a government student loan and become a financial slave. According to Calma-Brown, the “current liberal government has written off 200 million dollars in student loans.” Those loans are what concerns Dan Allan, the Director of the Student Budget Consultation Program, according to Calma-Brown’s article believes “their biggest concern is whether the cost of education is worth the burden that comes with student loans.”
Eliminating tuition would mean no more loans. Students at graduation could pursue a career in their field of study instead of focusing on paying off their student debt. They could buy a house, start a family and feel like they are a contributing members of society and not just a drain on the economy.

1 comment:

  1. Your argument stands strong for many students, especially the mention of student loans causing people to go into debt, which then scares people away into pursuing their career dreams. It's a matter of whether the pros of free tuition out weigh the cons, and you've done a great job at providing the evidence to which you stand. Makes you think about the future, and for many, because of the high cost of post secondary can be very scary.


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